Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these instruction, but mistakes do happen. If you believe you may have found an error, please email us so that we may make the necessary corrections.
The patterns listed below may need the follow corrections. Please note that many of these errors have been corrected in later printings of the patterns or books. We hope you continue to enjoy leighradford patterns and apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
One SkeinSingle Cable Scarf
page 35
Rows 2, 4, 6 and 8: P8 [k2, p2] 3 times, p1.
Crochet Cap
page 42
Rnd 6: Ch 1 (counts as 1 sc), *2 sc in next st, 1 sc in next st; rep from *. Join with a sl st to top of ch-1 at beg of rnd—50 sc.
Cont sc in rnds, working ch 1 at beg of each rnd, 1 sc in each sc, and joining end of each rnd with a sl st, until piece measures 5 1/2" (14 cm) from beg.
page 42
Rnd 6: Ch 1 (counts as 1 sc), *2 sc in next st, 1 sc in next st; rep from *. Join with a sl st to top of ch-1 at beg of rnd—50 sc.
Cont sc in rnds, working ch 1 at beg of each rnd, 1 sc in each sc, and joining end of each rnd with a sl st, until piece measures 5 1/2" (14 cm) from beg.
Petal Bib
page 58
Short-row 4: (RS) K6, p3 tog, k10, p3 tog, k8 wrap next st, turn, p28, wrap next st, turn—62 sts total; 17 sts rem unworked at each end of needle.
page 58
Short-row 4: (RS) K6, p3 tog, k10, p3 tog, k8 wrap next st, turn, p28, wrap next st, turn—62 sts total; 17 sts rem unworked at each end of needle.
Baby Bolero
page 63
....pick up and knit 38 sts along right front to shoulder seam, 4 sts from shoulder seam to held back neck sts, k 13 sts from holder, pick up and knit 4 sts to shoulder seam, and 38 sts along left front to bottom front opening—164 sts total.
page 63
....pick up and knit 38 sts along right front to shoulder seam, 4 sts from shoulder seam to held back neck sts, k 13 sts from holder, pick up and knit 4 sts to shoulder seam, and 38 sts along left front to bottom front opening—164 sts total.
AlterKNITS—first edition
Modern Bustier
page 22
Shape Neck: (RS) BO 14 (16, 18, 20) sts * (one st remaining on needle), work next 4 sts and place 5 sts on holder *; BO 30 (34, 38, 42) sts for underarm, repeat * to * for strap; BO 32 (36, 42, 46) sts for center front, repeat * to * for strap; BO 30 (34, 38, 42) sts for underarm, repeat * to *; BO remaining 14 (16, 18, 20) sts.
Herringbone Leather Cuff
page 27
Stitch Pattern
Row 2: P1, *yb, slip 2, yf, p2; rep from * across, end last rep p3.
Row 4: P3, *yb, slip 2, yf, p2; rep from * across, end last rep p1.
page 27
Stitch Pattern
Row 2: P1, *yb, slip 2, yf, p2; rep from * across, end last rep p3.
Row 4: P3, *yb, slip 2, yf, p2; rep from * across, end last rep p1.
Lace-Up Scarf, Shawl, and Wrap
page 34
page 34
Using 1 strand of A and 2 strands of B held together, CO 113 sts.
Using 1 strand of A and 2 strands of B held together, CO 113 sts.
Using 1 strand of A and 2 strands of B held together, CO 38 sts.
Using 1 strand of A and 2 strands of B held together, CO 38 sts.
Lace-Up Fingerless Gloves
page 37
Shape Arm
Repeat Rows 1-6 for arm shaping twice. Work Row 1 of Eyelet Pattern once more — 32 (36, 38) sts.
Mohair Cables Pullover
page 47
Written instructions for C4F and C4B have been switched.
Visual for Chart A is correct.
Abstract Cardigan
page 89
Hem: (WS) Change to size 6 needles; knit 2 rows, ending with a (RS) row (fold line).
Stash Bags
page 104
When bag measures 26 (35)" from beginning, BO all sts.